Design Ideas

Following the theme of adventure, I began by sketching some rough designs to build a story from. These included things like landscapes, modes of transport, and some characters.  I have done that I can theoretically build scenes out of a library of assets, which should streamline later development. Some designs, I have already brought into Photoshop and began to incorporate with muse.



scrolling responsive motion graphics on webpage

Using scroll-effects in Muse, I’ve created a comic-of-sorts. Primarily, it consists of 3 images which move into view from multiple angles, 1 foreground image that scrolls slower than the page, text boxes, and finally something a bit more special. The final part is a gun graphic. this graphic consists of multiple working parts (image files) which scroll-movement (movement affected by page scrolling) all correlates together to form a specific pattern of motions. In this case, the motion created is a gun firing a bullet. I plan to use this technique for sequences in the story.