Design Ideas

Following the theme of adventure, I began by sketching some rough designs to build a story from. These included things like landscapes, modes of transport, and some characters.  I have done that I can theoretically build scenes out of a library of assets, which should streamline later development. Some designs, I have already brought into Photoshop and began to incorporate with muse.



scrolling responsive motion graphics on webpage

Using scroll-effects in Muse, I’ve created a comic-of-sorts. Primarily, it consists of 3 images which move into view from multiple angles, 1 foreground image that scrolls slower than the page, text boxes, and finally something a bit more special. The final part is a gun graphic. this graphic consists of multiple working parts (image files) which scroll-movement (movement affected by page scrolling) all correlates together to form a specific pattern of motions. In this case, the motion created is a gun firing a bullet. I plan to use this technique for sequences in the story.

Scroll-responsive Webpage test

Update on my digital storytelling project: I wanted the story to come to life on the webpage. As the user scrolls down the page, elements transition onto the page. This makes the website more interactive and dynamic. Currently, I’ve only applied this to a simple webpage as a test, but I plan on using shapes and images to really bring a story to life in the webpage.

In a sense, elements of the page are queued to respond as the user scrolls over certain points of the page. This means that text, images and hopefully audio can be triggered accordingly, in a sequence that works in conjunction to the story.


These web-motion-graphics can be used for  interactive-fixed-storytelling. This means a fixed-event that moves and changes as the user reads (scrolls). This is opposed with using static pictures (comics and books) or dynamic, but not interactive images (television and film), these graphics are activated and move with user input.

Experimenting in a New Concept

Using Learn HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites by John Ducker, I’m relearning basics of coding. Currently, as I read through the guide, I’m implementing new (old) techniques as I go. The result is a  narrative is generated by the development of a website. Beginning in simple HTML, the website will progressively become more interactive and the story will become more complicated as the user delves deeper into it.